
検索キーワード「working 2期」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√99以上 ワーキング 東田 463596-ワーキング 東田

He is a high school student who takes a parttime job at Wagnaria where he does not want to work, but he is forced to take on a parttime job to pay for his personal costs after Kousaku Higashida's business went bankrupt He is from the first season Higashida is a handsome teenage boy withSakiko Higashida (東田 咲子 Higashida Sakiko) is the daughter of Kousaku Higashida and Sachiko Higashida and the sister of Daisuke Higashida 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Relationships 31 Family 311 Kousaku Higashida 312 Sachiko Higashida 313 Daisuke Higashida 4 Etymology Sakiko has light brown hair that is tied in high twintails by two scrunchies and darkbrown eyes(全13話) 月額 440 円 (税込)で 4,0 作品以上! ドコモのケータイ以外もOK! 初めての方は初月無料で見放題! Www Working 第1話 バンダイチャンネル 初回おためし無料のアニメ配信サービス ワーキング 東田

上 一希東 888476-一希東 萬流禮央子

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